type TFFormat = (fftCSV, fftQuoted, fftFixed) ; TStatFunc = (sfMAX, sfMIN, sfAVG) ; GetFieldName(alius, tabname:String; fldnum:Byte) : String ; {returns the field name of the field number for table in database } ColumnTotal(alius, tabname, valfield:String) : Double ; {returns the total of all values in field for table in database } ColumnStatVal(statfunc:TStatFunc; alius, tabname, Valfield:String) : Double ; {returns the maximum/maximum/average value in field for table in database , depending upon TStatFunc type: so far thse can be sfMIN, sfMAX, sfAVG} DS_ColumnTotal(datafrom:Tdataset; valfield:String) : Double ; {returns the total of all values in field for dataset } GroupSummary(alius, sourcetab, targettab, groupbyfield:String; valfields:TStringList) : Byte ; {creates a table which has a summed value for each field listed in TStringList for each unique entry in . Warning: destroys any any existing . Returns 0 if successful} ExportToTxt(alius, ourcetab:String; filenam:TFilename; Forma:TFFormat; withheader:Boolean) : Boolean ; {creates file in format from table current outputs are: CSV(fftCSV), CSV with quoted text(fftQuoted). If withheader=true then first row is fieldnames} DS_ExportToTxt(datafrom:TdataSet; filenam:TFilename; Forma:TFFormat; withheader:Boolean) : Boolean ; {creates file in format from Dataset current outputs are: CSV(fftCSV), CSV with quoted text(fftQuoted) If withheader=true then first row is fieldnames} CreateFromCSV(alius, targettab:String; filenam:TFilename; withheader:Boolean) : Boolean ; {creates a table in DataBase of type ttDefault and Named using the file which must be CSV. If withheader=true the first row is taken as the field names. Warning: deletes any existing table } AppendFromCSV(alius, targettab:String; filenam:TFilename) : Boolean ; {appends records to existing table . File must have same number of fields in same order}